09:30 – 11:00
Plenary 1 – Conference Opening Ceremony & Loet Leydesdorff Life Achievement Award
Location: Centro de Difusão Internacional – CDI, USP
Moderator: Aline Figlioli (FIA)
Speakers: Moacir Miranda. (Chair, USP), Josep M. Piqué (La Salle and THA), Maria Arminda Arruda (Vice-reitora USP), Paulo Nussenzveig (Pró-Reitor de Pesquisa e Inovação USP), Thorsten Kliewe (ACEEU), Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz (FEAUSP), Adriana Faria (UFV and ANPROTEC), Liedi Bernucci (IPT) and Marcus Leite (SEBRAE SP)
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee Break
Location: FEA
11:30 – 13:00
Plenary 2 – Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Location: Auditorium FEA 5
Moderator: Aline Figlioli (FIA)
Speakers: Josep M. Piqué (La Salle and THA), Jorge Audy (TECNOPUC RS) Adriana Faria (UFV and ANPROTEC), and Max Von Zedtwitz (Copenhagen Business School)
13:00 – 14:00
Location: FEA USP
14:00 – 15:30
Semi plenary 1 – The Adventure of Innovation – Four Decades of PGT-USP (Technology Management and Policy Program)
Location: Auditorium Safra 1 – FEA 4
Moderator: Moacir Miranda (USP)
Speakers: Jacques Marcotivch (USP), Roberto Sbragia (USP), Ary Plonski (USP)
14:00 – 15:30
Semi plenary 2- New Advancements on Helices Theories
Location: Auditorium Safra 2 – FEA 4
Moderator: Marcelo Amaral (UFF) and Yuzhuo Cai (THJ)
Elias Carayannis (remote) (George Washington University School of Business) – Sustainability, democracy and people in the context of Quadruple/Quintuple Helix Yuzhuo Cai (remote) (THJ) The Neo-Triple Helix
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee Break
Location: FEA USP
16:00 – 17:30
Semi plenary 3 – Unlocking Potential: Investment and Commercialisation of Emerging Technologies
Location: Auditorium Safra 1 – FEA 4
Moderator : Luciana Hashiba (FGV)
Speakers: Stephen Flint (University of Auckland), Ekaterina Vainberg (GLORAD) and Luiz Henrique Catalani (USP)
16:00 – 17:30
Semi plenary 4 – Driving Innovation and Community Impact: The Critical Role of Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities
Location: Auditorium Safra 2 – FEA 4
Moderator: Thorsten Kliewe (ACEEU)
Speakers: Daniel P. Corr (Arizona Western College) , Judi Eyles (Iowa State University) , Carlos Varela (Universidad del Desarrollo), and Anna Ehrhardt (Concordia University)
17:30 – 18:00
EU-China-Latin America Innovation Forum: Opening Remarks
Speakers: Prof. MU Rongping, President of the Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy (CASSSP)
Location: Auditorium Safra 1 – FEA 4
17:30 – 19:00
Plenary Session 3 – Stakeholders Management: Bridging Academia and Business
Location: Auditorium Funcadi USP
Moderator: João Maurício Boaventura (FEA-USP)
Speakers: Robert Edward Freeman (Darden School of Business, University of Virginia), Bidhan L. Parmar (Darden School of Business, University of Virginia) and Robert Philips (Robins School of Business, University of Richmond)
18:00 – 19:30
EU-China-Latin America Innovation Forum
Plenary Session: EU-China-LatAm S&T Cooperation
Report 1: Research on the Construction and Operation Mechanisms of Think Tank Exchange and Cooperation Platforms: A Case Study of the Zhongguancun Global High-level Think Tank Alliance. Xijing Luo (Center for International and Regional Cooperation, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology)
Report 2: Bridging Research and Market: Practices From Local Research Institute of China. Jingjing Zhang (Jiangxi Academy of Sciences)
Report 3: USP Innovation Ecosystems and Main Innovation Projetcs. Luiz Henrique Catalani, USP
Location: Auditorium Safra 1 – FEA 4
19:30 – 21:00
Social Activity: Welcome Cocktail
Location: FEA, USP
09:00 – 10:00
Plenary 4 – Unicorns and Digital transformation in Emerging Markets
Location: Auditorium Safra – FEA 4, USP
Moderator: Fernanda Ribeiro Cahen (ESPM)
Speaker: Lourdes Casanova (remote) (Emerging Markets Institute, Cornell University), Ricardo E. Buitrago (EGADE Business School of Tecnológico de Monterrey), Moacir Miranda (Chair, USP), Juana García Duque (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia), and Diego Finchelstein (Universidad de San Andres)
10:00 – 10:30
Coffee Break
Location: FEA USP
10:30 – 12:00
Practical Session 1 (ACEEU):
Share & learn on “Challenges and approaches of HEIs to maximize societal impact”
Facilitated by Thorsten Kliewe (ACEEU, Germany)
Strategies and examples of building student access to local start-up ecosystems”
Facilitated by Marie Meslin, (Northeastern University, US)
Location: Auditorium Safra – FEA 4, USP
10:30 – 12:00
Ordinary Sessions 1.1: Oral presentations (tracks 1-5)
Session 1: Track 3. Disruptive Technologies and Sustainable Development
Location: FEA 1 Room E-2
Moderator: Rafael Toassi Crispim
ID031 | Hybrid organizations, the union of talent and technology for the sustainable future of the Amazon | Wander Oliveira |
ID002 | Innovation Management in the Age of AI: Evidence from the Healthcare Industry | Rafael Toassi Crispim; Vincenzo Baglieri; Eduardo Pinheiro Gondim de Vasconcellos |
ID102 | Encapsulation of Pau Rosa Essential Oil in Cationic Liposomes: A Nanotechnological Approach for the Perfumery Industry | Letícia Kakuda; Gabriela Alberto Gil; Grazielly Ismail Licco; Patrícia Maria Berardo Gonçalves Maia Campos; Wanderley Pereira de Oliveira |
ID023 | Wysiwyg software: Lighting solutions for the stage space | Thamiris Calegari Rodrigues; Rosana Aparecida Pimenta |
10:30 – 12:00
Ordinary Sessions 1.2: Oral presentations (tracks 1-5)
Session 2:
Track 5. Triple Helix Model in Practice around the world – Implementing the Triple Helix Model for Real World Impact &
Track 8. Collaborative Research and Development
Location: FEA 1 Room E-4
Moderator: Marcelo Amaral
ID049 | Evolution of the Triple Helix as an academic movement – Bibliometric analysis of communications at conferences | Marcelo Amaral; Edilane dos Reis Carraro; Iasmim Ribeiro de Abreu e Costa |
ID029 | Challenges of Knowledge and Technology Appropriation in Rural Properties in an Emerging Innovation Ecosystem | Ivanete Schneider Hahn; Leandro Hahn |
ID017 | The Emergence of the Entrepreneurial University in Agroindustrial Regions: The Case of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil | Evander Novaes Moreira; Danielle Rodrigues Dos Santos Ávila; Edilane Dos Reis Carraro; Marcelo Amaral |
ID137 | Transforming Public Health Through Triple Helix Collaboration: insights from the IdeiaGov Program | Julia Ribeiro de Almeida Veneziani; Evandro Matheus dos Santos Silva; Gabriel Romitelli; Luciana Lischewski Mattar; Natasha Zanaroli Scaldaferri |
10:30 – 12:00
Ordinary Sessions 2.1: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 3:
Track 8. Collaborative Research and Development
Location: FEA 1 Room E-5
Moderator: Neusa Andradel
ID077 | Professional certification: the necessary skills in mediating technology transfer agreements | Michael Anderson Rodrigues Soares; Helano Diogenes Pinheiro; Marli Elizabeth Ritter dos Santos |
ID110 | Economic impacts of digital health maturity: proposal of a model for measurement and analysis | Diogo Moreira Carneiro; Neusa Andrade; Carolina Carvalho Pereira Matos; Esmeralda Hortência Eugênio; Raquel Acciarito Mott |
ID044 | Fostering Innovation within Bounds: Freedom of Contract and Principles of Public Administration in Research and Development Partnerships | Isadora Valadares Assunção; Rafael Seco Saravalli |
ID196 | Design Instructional for the Translation of Scientific Knowledge | Marina Cerqueira Marinho; Rafael Morais Pereira; Martinho Isnard Ribeiro de Almeida; Pedro Mascarenhas de Barros; Arthur Silva Santos |
10:30 – 12:00
Ordinary Sessions 2.2: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 4:
Track 8. Collaborative Research and Development & Track 9. The role of the Entrepreneurial University and education for Future Innovators
Location: FEA 1 Room E-7
Moderator: Andrea Aparecida da Costa Mineiro
ID099 | Critical Success Factors in Technology Transfer: Case study involving digital technologies | Breno Assunção; Cleidson Dias |
ID147 | Scientific Partnerships and Knowledge Transfer on DNA Recombinant | Bernardo Valente; Rita Campos |
ID167 | Fostering Collaboration to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance in Brazil: the CEPID ARIES Ecosystem | Alex Yuri Simões Sato; Ana Cristina Gales; Arnaldo L. Colombo; Moacir M. Oliveira Jr |
ID104 | Sustainable Entrepreneurial University: An Integrative Review | Patrícia Kelli Silva de Oliveira; Andrea Aparecida da Costa Mineiro; Isabel Cristina da Silva Arantes; Jeniffer de Nadae; Juliana Helena Daroz Gaudencio |
10:30 – 12:00
Ordinary Sessions 2.3: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 5: Track 10. Evaluating Impact and Sustainability
Location: FEA 1 Room E-13
Moderator: Rafael Popper
ID132 | Empowering Sustainable Innovation: A Quadruple Helix Approach | Rafael Popper; Monika Popper; Guillermo Velasco; Mattia Martini; Angela Rizzo |
ID065 | Application of management methodologies to enhance technology-based companies at the Technological Park of Viçosa (tecnoPARQ). | Larissa Dionísio da Silva; Adriana Ferreira de Faria; Isabela Vidon Ferreira; Letícia Campos Lopes; Nayara Souza; Matheus de Barros Corrêa Pinheiro |
ID114 | An analysis of efficiency and technical progress on public health services in the State of Amazon | Roseani Pereira Parente; Alceu Salles Camargo Jr. |
ID158 | The fostering innovation in the Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB) influence’s area: a Triple Helix Analytical Model | Leila Cristina da Silva Oliveira; Amilcar Baiardi; Ricardo Daher Oliveira |
10:30 – 12:00
EU-China-Latin America Innovation Forum
Round Table Discussion I: National innovation systems & Ecosystems of Innovation in EU, China & Latin America
Zhicong Shang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences): Basic Research and the National Goals: A Case Study on Beijing Positron Collider
Yan Sun (Institute of European Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): Digital technology and open innovation
Xinwei Wang (Center for International and Regional Cooperation, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology): The Measures of British Science and Technology Innovation to Tackle with the “Productivity Puzzle” and its Enlightenment to China.
Startups and Innovation Ecosystems in Brazil. Moacir Miranda (USP, Department of Business Administration).
Agribusiness Ecosystem in Brazil. Carlos Eduardo Lopes (Innovation Ecosystems in Rio de Janeiro)
Location: Auditorium Congregação – FEA 1
12:00 – 13:00
EU-China-Latin America Innovation Forum
Round Table Discussion II: Sustainable Ecosystems of Innovation: Green & Digital
Location: Auditorium Congregação – FEA 1
Liying Wang (Zhejiang University of Technology): How does the synergy between technical standards and intellectual property rights affect the digital transformation of enterprises? Evidence from the Chinese automotive industry
Jun Zhuang (Shanghai Institute for Science of Science): The exploration and practice of technology foresight in Shanghai
Hongguang Chen (Shanghai Institute for Science of Science): Technological innovation supports the high-quality development of urban modern agriculture in Shanghai
Strategy and Orchestration of Digital Innovation Ecosystems in Agribusiness – The Case of PITEC Agro. Aline Figlioli (FIA Business School)
12:00 – 13:00
Practical Session 2 (ACEEU) : Practical Session 2: Share & learn on “Challenges of teaching in HEIs with the emergence of AI”
Location: Auditorium Safra – FEA 4, USP
Facilitated by Rachel Francisco (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil)
13:00 – 14:00
Location: FEA USP
14:00 – 15:30
Ordinary Sessions 3.1: Oral presentations (tracks 1-5)
Session 6: Track 1. Impact Innovation Strategies & Track 4. Better Tomorrow-Engagement for Social and Environmental Impact
Location: FEA 1 E-2
Moderator: Walter Bataglia
ID152 | Public Funding of Innovative Biotech Projects and its Effectiveness in the Early Stages of Development of Biopharmaceutical Industry | Walter Bataglia; Pedro Sanches |
ID198 | The value of using a system for medical-hospital equipment management in public hospitals | José Wilson Magalhães Bassani; Ana Cristina Bottura Eboli; Beatriz Hargrave Gonçalves da Silva; Iara Regina da Silva Ferreira |
ID105 | Innovative Lipid Nanosystems Loaded with Pepper Rosemary Essential Oil for Combating Fungal Infections | Wanderley Pereira de Oliveira; Gabriela Alberto Gil; Letícia Kakuda; Ludmilla Tonani Carvalho; Marcia Regina von Zeska Kress |
ID174 | Triple helix & innovation: a study in a context of mining-dependence | Frederico Dornellas Martins Quintão; João Paulo Moreira Silva; Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio |
14:00 – 15:30
Ordinary Sessions 3.2: Oral presentations (tracks 1-5)
Session 7: Track 4. Better Tomorrow-Engagement for Social and Environmental Impact & Track 1. Impact Innovation Strategies
Location: FEA 1 Room E-4
ID116 | ESG and local currency: A proposal for an integrated work between local government, private sector and universities | Andressa Guimarães Torquato Fernandes |
ID062 | Innovating for Tomorrow: Educational, Social, and Environmental Initiatives of tecnoPARQ Social as Engines of Transformation. | Caroline Novais Rocha Carvalho; Vinícius Henrique Sales; Natália Melo Capobiango Gomes; Claudinei Heleno da Silva; Francylara Miranda de Castro; Jucélia Maria Lopes Maia Roberto; Adriana Ferreira de Faria |
ID141 | Fostering Circular Business Models through Reverse Logistics Innovation in the Triple Helix Model Perspective | Rafael Donaire Bindo de Lima; Silvio Luís de Vasconcellos |
ID060 | The dissemination and evolution of Brazil’s technology parks in the transformation of territories | Laura de Paula Silva; Janine Souza Wolff; Guilherme Parzanini Brilhante; Carlos Henrique S. Nascimento; Andressa Caroline De Battisti; Adriana Ferreira de Faria |
14:00 – 15:30
Ordinary Sessions 3.3: Oral presentations (tracks 1-5)
Session 8: Track 5. Triple Helix Model in Practice around the world – Implementing the Triple Helix Model for Real World Impact
Location: FEA 1 Room E-5
Moderator: Lorena Mirela Ricci
ID086 | The Impact of a Modified Quadruple Helix on Establishing Timor-Leste’s Innovation Ecosystem | Thiago Negrão Chuba; Gabriela Simões Pazelli; Kei Saito |
ID166 | Technology parks as promoters of sustainable innovation from the perspective of the five helix: case study of the Belo Horizonte Technology Park | Elise Hungaro da Cunha |
ID178 | Expanding the reach of active mobility through the promotion of sustainable transport and inclusive infrastructure development in the living lab of the University City of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Lorena Mirela Ricci; Gabriel Bezerra Costa de Lima; Fernanda de Miranda Maio; Mariana Marques de Moraes; Helena Oliveira Filagrana; Lino Guimarães Marujo; Márcio de Almeida D’Agosto |
ID169 | University alliances: Lessons learned from the Alliance for Innovation in Porto Alegre, RS – Brazil | Silvio Bitencourt da Silva; Santiago Uribe Rocha |
14:00 – 15:30
Ordinary Sessions 3.4: Oral presentations (tracks 1-5)
Session 9: Track 5. Triple Helix Model in Practice around the world – Implementing the Triple Helix Model for Real World Impact & Track 10. Evaluating Impact and Sustainability
Location: FEA 1 Room E-7
Moderator: Eucharia Oluchi Nwaichi
ID195 | The performance of the public sector in the innovation ecosystem of the municipality of Criciúma, Santa Catarina. | Jaqueline Bitencourt Lopes; Clarissa Stefani Teixeira; Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini; João Artur De Souza |
ID199 | Enhancing the Employability of Nigerian Engineering Graduates by Efficient University-Industry-Government Partnerships | Bassey Bassey; ThankGod Egbe |
ID009 | University, business, and technology: a case study of implementing a junction approach | Renata Jordan Henriques |
ID172 | Democratizing Innovation: The 10:10:10:10 Vision of Triple Helix Nigeria | Eucharia Oluchi Nwaichi; ThankGod Itua Egbe; AbdulMalik Halilu |
14:00 – 15:30
Ordinary Sessions 3.5: Oral presentations (tracks 1-5)
Session 19: Track 1. Impact Innovation Strategies; Track 5. Triple Helix Model in Practice around the world – Implementing the Triple Helix Model for Real World Impact & Track 7. Entrepreneurship and Startups in Impact Innovation
Location: FEA 1 Room G-7
Moderator: Maria Augusta Pimentel Miglino
ID148 | Sebrae São Paulo´s experience in fostering scientific startups in the State of São Paulo: the case of “Lab Vendas Startups Científicas”. | Maria Augusta Pimentel Miglino; Ana Carolina Calçado Lopes Martins; Elena Maria Duarte de Oliveira; Yaankha Bhárbara Allecxandria Priscila Martinho Pinheiro; Débora Zanoni do Prado; Olivia Boretti; Tatyane Sales de Araújo Batista; Paulo José Furlan Mendonça. |
ID134 | Deep Techs and society’s great challenges: the case of Moderna in facing COVID-19 | Gabriel Medeiros; Erika Oliveira; Fábio Santos; Silvia Tommaso; João Paulo Nascimento da Silva |
ID093 | Intersections of academia, industry, and government that shape the future of innovation: Opportunities and challenges from the South African clothing industry | Sipho Mbatha |
14:00 – 15:30
Poster session 1
Location: Hall FEA 1
ID Code | TRACK | TITLE | Authors |
ID047 | 2. Talent Development and Collaboration | Psychological safety in pluri-intelligent cities: digital citizenship in transformation | Samuel Robinson Miranda de Souza; Eliziane Lima |
ID112 | 5. Triple Helix Model in Practice around the world – Implementing the Triple Helix Model for Real World Impact | Strategic indicators framework for innovation centers ecosystems: a triple helix model-based proposal using design science | André M. dos Santos; Emerson Pereira |
ID126 | 5. Triple Helix Model in Practice around the world – Implementing the Triple Helix Model for Real World Impact | Basic Research and the National Goals: A Case Study on Beijing Positron Collider | Zhicong Shang |
ID058 | 5. Triple Helix Model in Practice around the world – Implementing the Triple Helix Model for Real World Impact | The Viçosa Technological Park as an environment that promotes social and economic development | Andressa Caroline De Battisti; Jucelia Maria Lopes Maia Roberto; Adriana Ferreira de Faria; Francylara Miranda de Castro |
ID041 | 6. Government Policies and Governance for Impactful Innovations | Innovation Policies as Promoters of Sustainability through the Quintuple Helix: A Case Study in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in Brazil | Regiane Cristina Magalhães; Andréa Aparecida da Costa Mineiro; Sandra Miranda Neves; Isabel Cristina da Silva Arantes; Eliana de Fátima Salomon Souza |
ID153 | 6. Government Policies and Governance for Impactful Innovations | Triple Helix – Subsystems Government and Academic: cistern’s program in Brazilian semi-arid region | Rachel Nogueira Calcagno Horta; Fellipe Silva Martins |
ID162 | 6. Government Policies and Governance for Impactful Innovations | Governance in the application of resources in actions to combat deforestation in the Amazon Forest: Amazon Fund case study. | Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte |
ID163 | 8. Collaborative Research and Development | Optimizing dental treatments through digital workflow and innovative material use | Bruna Tonin; Regina Guenka Palma-Dibb |
ID145 | 8. Collaborative Research and Development | Implementing the Triple Helix Model: Collaborative Approach to Sustainable Soil Remediation Strategy | Ismail Baba Ahmed, Eucharia Oluchi Nwaichi, Ejikeme Ugwoha, Chinyelu Nnoli, Ime Ekanem, Kenneth Aroh, Bright Ofemume, Egbe T.I, and Aku M.A. |
ID066 | 8. Collaborative Research and Development | Optimizing dental treatments through digital workflow and innovative material use | Bruna Tonin; Regina Guenka Palma-Dibb |
ID038 | 9. The role of the Entrepreneurial University and education for Future Innovators | Entrepreneurial universities in the context of a small country: Lessons learned and impact on innovation ecosystem | Maria Lima-Toivanen; David Pace; Edwin Zammit; Ivan Briffa; Leonardo Piccinetti; Maria Ragia; Mauro Amoruso; Pelin Uner |
ID117 | 9. The role of the Entrepreneurial University and education for Future Innovators | Motivations and challenges: the endeavor of sustainable entrepreneurs | Benedita Marta Gomes Costa; Joana Sthefanny Gomes Costa dos Santos; Luiz Ayran Sousa Costa; Vinicius Tabosa dos Santos; Felipe Estevam Costa dos Santos |
ID182 | 9. The case of STEAMLAB at the University of São Paulo | Space of Innovation in Education | Hadassa Harumi Castelo Onisaki; Roseli de Deus Lopes; Thiago Giancoli Berto |
14:00 – 15:30
Plenary 5 – Behavioral Innovation in Public Administration
Location: Auditorium Safra – FEA 4, USP
Moderator: Moacir Miranda (Chair, USP)
Speaker: Riccardo Viale (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, UNIMIB)
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee Break
Location: FEA USP
16:00 – 17:30
Practical Session 3 (ACEEU) : Inspiration in Action – Brief Spotlights on America’s Leading Practices
Location: Palco Aberto CDI
– Florida State University
– Clark University
– Benedict College
– FGV Cidades
– McGill University
-Iowa State University
16:00 – 17:30
Ordinary Sessions 4.1: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 10: Track 6. Government Policies and Governance for Impactful Innovations
Location: FEA 1 Room E-2
Moderator: Benedita Marta Gomes Costa
ID057 | The role of the InovaLink platform for monitoring the creation and development mechanisms of technology-based companies | Carlos Henrique S. Nascimento; Guilherme Parzanini Brilhante; Laura de Paula Silva; Janine Souza Wolff; Andressa Caroline De Battisti; Adriana Ferreira de Faria |
ID161 | Public resources for financing innovation: Brazilian scenario | Benedita Marta Gomes Costa; Joana Stefanny Gomes Santos |
ID133 | Innovation ecosystems and their role in fostering entrepreneurship: A study on the role of the Empresa Nacional de Parques de Ciência e Tecnologia de Maluana (Maluana National Company of Science and Technology Parks in Mozambique) | Adriano Carlos Chihanhe; Sueima da Arlete Alcindo Neve |
ID067 | Brazilian Universities as contractors in Public Procurement for innovation: Opportunities and challenges | Nathália Domingues; Márcia Rapini; Juliana Crepalde |
16:00 – 17:30
Ordinary Sessions 4.2: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 11: Track 7. Entrepreneurship and Startups in Impact Innovation
Location: FEA 1 Room E-4
Moderator: João Paulo Nascimento da Silva
ID016 | Vírgula Innovation Hub VR – Triple Helix in Practice | Marcelo Amaral; Camila Aparecida Maciel Silveira; Marcela Sayumi de Souza Ito; Sérgio da Silva Sodré; Ricardo Henriques Leal; Patrícia Marangoni |
ID059 | Communication and Marketing Strategies for University-Company-Society Interaction: A tecnoPARQ Case Study | Laísse Nicácio; Daiana Quirino; Andressa De Battisti; Francylara Castro; Jucélia Roberto; Adriana Ferreira de Faria; Luciana Soares |
ID088 | Creation of startups through the tecnoPARQ Accelerate program: A case study of the company Ello Fertiliza. | Marcus Vinícius Valente da Silva; Vitor Rezende Ferreira de Carvalho; Fernanda Bernardino Moreira; Francylara Miranda Castro; Adriana Ferreira de Faria; Jucelia Maria Lopes Maia Roberto |
ID082 | A bibliometric study on the growth of research in science-based startups | Erika Silva de Oliveira; Gabriel Mioranza de Medeiros; Fábio José dos Santos; João Paulo Nascimento da Silva |
16:00 – 17:30
Ordinary Sessions 4.3: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 12: Track 8. Collaborative Research and Development & 5. Triple Helix Model in Practice around the world – Implementing the Triple Helix Model for Real World Impact
Location: FEA 1 Room E-5
Moderator: Luciane Graziele Pereira Ferrero
ID010 | Interplay between ecosystem types: Review and agenda for future research | Diogo Leite; Sílvio Luís de Vasconcellos |
ID007 | University Policies & Innovation: A Cluster Analysis | Luciane Graziele Pereira Ferrero; Marcos Candido de Paula Rezende; Sérgio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho |
ID203 | Building Innovative Universities: A new framework for Dynamic Capabilities in Open Innovation | Rafael Monnerat |
ID051 | The open and collaborative research practices through the Open Innovation in Science (OIS) in Science and Technology Parks: A case study | Silvio Bitencourt da Silva; Gisele Spricigo |
16:00 – 17:30
Ordinary Sessions 4.4: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 13: Track 8. Collaborative Research and Development
Location: FEA 1 Room E-7
Moderator: Thiago Negrão Chuba
ID085 | Innovation in healthcare from the perspective of technology maturity levels: A proposal for practical harmonization from the Brazilian institutional context | Thiago Negrão Chuba; Alexandre Guimarães Vasconcellos; Kelyane Silva |
ID140 | Intermediary Management Models for Technology Transfer | Renan Rocha |
ID061 | Collaborative strategy for innovation: A case study of the Innovation Link program from tecnoPARQ/UFV | Luciana Ramos Soares; Daiana Francisca Quirino; Mônica Santana Moreira; Jucelia Maria Lopes Maia Roberto; Adriana Ferreira de Faria |
ID050 | Public policies for innovation and electrification in the automotive sector: Examples from the USA, China and Germany | Marcela Sayumi de Souza Ito; Marcelo Amaral |
16:00 – 17:30
Poster session 2
Location: Hall FEA 1
ID Code | TRACK | TITLE | Authors |
ID070 | 1. Impact Innovation Strategies | Eco-innovation in the context of greenhouse gas mitigation: a systematic literature review | Ana Cândida Ferreira Vieira; Priscila Rezende da Costa; Camila Naves Arante |
ID111 | 1. Impact Innovation Strategies | Curar Saúde: Breaking down obstacles in health communication and promotion | Raquel Ajub Moyses |
ID025 | 1. Impact Innovation Strategies | Open innovation development in the health sector: the case of the joint venture genesis | Yasmin Bidart Salomone; Leandro de Lima Alcântara; João Paulo Nascimento da Silva |
ID130 | 1. Impact Innovation Strategies | Christmas lighting and decoration in petrópolis/rj: a study of the impacts on liberty square as a space for public use of events | Rosana Aparecida Pimenta; Sebastião Cristiano de Azevedo Silva |
ID103 | 1. Impact Innovation Strategies | Optimization process and anticancer biological activity of pau-d’arco extract | Gabriela Alberto Gil; Letícia Kakuda; Mounika Aare; Cleni Mara Marzocchi Machado; Mandip Singh Sachdeva; Wanderley Pereira de Oliveira |
ID055 | 1. Impact Innovation Strategies | The economic impact of technology parks in Minas Gerais | Guilherme Parzanini Brilhante; Laura de Paula Silva; Andressa Caroline De Battisti; Adriana Ferreira de Faria |
ID115 | 2. Talent Development and Collaboration | Using metagame for hiring process: A case about new members recruitment process | Manoela Barreto de Oliveira Reis; Lana Nogueira Vieira; Ana Vitória Eichenberger Teixeira; Erick Oda Coulter; Lorenzo Dutra de Oliveira Sales Decari Vicentin; Isabeli Gomes Oliveira; Guilherme Vendruscolo Cangemi Silva; Felipe Silva Barbosa Santos |
ID156 | 2. Talent Development and Collaboration | Navigating Work and Skills Transformation: Strategic Policies for Talent Development and Collaboration | Rafael Popper; Torsti Loikkanen |
ID151 | 2. Talent Development and Collaboration | Diversity and inclusion as a counterpoint to Scientific Management and the efficiency paradigm | Guilherme Rhinow |
ID131 | 3. Disruptive Technologies and Sustainable Development | The innovation diplomacy and the integration of innovation ecosystems based on green hydrogen | Victor Hugo José de Santana Rezende |
ID154 | 3. Disruptive Technologies and Sustainable Development | How Foresight and Horizon Scanning Shape Emerging Technologies and Disruptive Innovations Research? | Rafael Popper |
ID118 | 3. Disruptive Technologies and Sustainable Development | Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making | Tadeu Azevedo; Ricardo Monardez; Alexandre Del Rey |
ID068 | 3. Workforce Management Implementation in energy sector | Challenges, opportunities, and strategies | Fernando de Souza Meirelles; Fernando Veroneze; Paula Massako Bernardes Suda; Sergio Isidoro Canestraro Milani |
ID094 | 4. Better Tomorrow-Engagement for Social and Environmental Impact | The protection of intellectual property rights in the Legal Framework for Innovation | Juliano Costa; Leticia Pavanatte |
17:30 – 19:15
Special Session 1: Impactful Higher Education – ACEEU and Triple Helix Awards
– Impactful Universities (ACEEU)
– Impactful Individuals (“change makers”) (ACEEU)
– Impactful Initiatives (ACEEU)
– Best Conference Paper (Triple Helix)
– Best Early Career Researchers (Triple Helix)
– Best Poster (Triple Helix)
– Best Practical Cases (Triple Helix)
Location: Palco Aberto CDI
Speakers: Thorsten Kliewe (ACEEU) and Josep M. Piqué (La Salle and THA
20:00 – 23:00
Conference Dinner
Location: Casa de Francisca
Casa de Francisca / Palacete Teresa
Rua Quintino Bocaiúva 22 – Sé – 1º andar, São Paulo SP
*Included in Regular Registration (otherwise, extra fee)
08:30 – 09:30
Ordinary Sessions 5.1: Oral presentations (tracks 1-5)
Session 14: Track 2. Talent Development and Collaboration
Location: FEA 1 Room E-4
Moderator: Alex Yuri Simões Sato
ID092 | PGI: Training Program aimed at Catalyzing Innovation and Entrepreneurship within the USP Ecosystem through AUSPIN Initiatives | Camila do Nascimento Cultri; Giovanna de Fatima Moreno Aguiar; Heloise Ribeiro de Barros; Kelly Cristina de Lira Lixandrão; Stanley Bilatto; Luiz Henrique Catalani |
ID183 | Forging Pathways to Success: Leveraging Triple Helix Collaboration to Tackle Bacterial Resistance Challenges | André Valencio; Fernanda Fernandes Santos; Aghata Cardoso da Silva Ribeiro; Alex Yuri Simões Sato; Arnaldo Colombo; Moacir M. Oliveira Jr; Ana C. Gales |
ID108 | Evaluating Learning Factories through the Lens of the Triple Helix Model: A Case Study of Fábrica do Futuro | Renan Esposito Vieira; Thayla Tavares de Sousa Zomer; Eduardo Zancul |
08:30 – 09:30
Ordinary Sessions 5.2: Oral presentations (tracks 1-5)
Session 15: Track 4. Better Tomorrow-Engagement for Social and Environmental Impact
Location: FEA 1 Room E-6
Moderator: Silvio Bitencourt da Silva
ID194 | A Triple Helix Approach to assist University in facing the social challenge of inclusion in the workplace | Raquel von Hohendorff; Gisele Spricigo; Silvio Bitencourt da Silva |
ID202 | Navigating the Transformational Change Pathway – Testing the Theory of Change Framework for Resilience and Sustainability through Social Entrepreneurship | Ambica Medine; Priscilla Bahaw; Indianna Minto-Coy |
ID190 | Social entrepreneurship and female entrepreneurship: From public policies to support networks | Joanna Sthefanny Gomes Costa dos Santos; Amanda Gomes Oliveira; Elzilene Gomes Costa; Benedita Marta Gomes Costa |
08:30 – 09:30
Ordinary Sessions 6.1: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 16: Track 4. Better Tomorrow-Engagement for Social and Environmental Impact & Track 6. Government Policies and Governance for Impactful Innovations
Location: FEA 1 Room E-7
Moderator: James Batista Vieira
ID127 | Institutional void and guardians of the pirarucu in the Amazon | Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes; Elis Regina Monte Feitosa; Alexsandra Bezerra da Rocha; James Douglas Oliveira Bessa |
ID015 | Innovation in public contracts: An analysis of implementation in Brazilian states | Izabel Sabino de Sousa; James Batista Vieira |
ID098 | Zhongguancun Science Park as an Impactful Government Strategy for the Innovation Ecosystem | Eliziane Gava |
08:30 – 09:30
Ordinary Sessions 6.2: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 17: Track 6. Government Policies and Governance for Impactful Innovations and Track 8. Collaborative Research and Development
Location: FEA 1 Room E-11
Moderator: Thiago Henrique Moreira Goes
ID079 | Regulatory Changes for Economies of Scale in Carbon Capture in Brazil | Thiago Henrique Moreira Goes; Felipe Berkenbrock; Robert Marcelo Soster Culpi; Luciano Batista da Silva; Felipe Gobe Tonissi |
ID069 | Rethinking Policies for Internationalization and Attraction of Foreign Startups to Brazil: Addressing Challenges and Exploring Future Perspectives | Renan Lopes; Jucélia Maia; Adriana Ferreira de Faria |
ID087 | The Role of Intellectual Property in Innovation Diplomacy | Thiago Negrão Chuba; Kei Saito; Daniel França Oliveira |
ID054 | University-industry interaction channels in dynamic environments: a framework proposed inspired by the UFRJ Science Park | Kelyane Silva; Lydia Bares Lopes; Thiago Negrão Chuba; Vicente Antônio de Castro Ferreira |
08:30 – 09:30
Ordinary Sessions 6.3: Oral presentations (tracks 6-10)
Session 18: Track 7. Entrepreneurship and Startups in Impact Innovation
Location: FEA 1 Room E-13
Moderator: Ana Clara Berndt
ID142 | Impact Innovation: an analysis of the integration of startups in the Innovation Challenge@BIN | Julia Bloomfield Gama Zardo; Natany Paz Borges; Marcos André Farias de Oliveira |
ID179 | A University spinoff creation journey and how its collaborations with academia and government have helped it in its pathway to the market. | Eduardo Aledo; Beatriz Hargrave Gonçalves da Silva; Iara Regina da Silva Ferreira |
ID089 | Startups Strategies for Impactful Innovation: How Open Innovation Influences Product and Services Innovation and Organizational Performance on Brazilian startups | Ana Clara Berndt; Bianca Carvalho da Silva; Giancarlo Gomes |
ID176 | Em busca de uma estrutura para a mudança empreendedora da Deep Tech – um estudo de caso. | Edilson de Azevedo Santos, Felipe Mendes Borini, Fábio José dos Santos, Ana Clara Berndt |
09:30 – 10:00
Coffee Break
Location: FEA USP
10:00 – 11:00
Semi plenary 5 – Technology Forecasting for Sustainable Innovation
Location: Auditorium Safra 1 – FEA 4
Moderator: Moacir Miranda (USP)
Speakers: Rafael Popper (University of Turku, Centre for Foresight and Internationalisation and Green Iceberg)
10:00 – 11:00
Semi plenary 6
CEPID: Bridge – Building Radical Innovation & Disruption for Global Ecosystem
Location: Auditorium Safra 2 – FEA 4
Moderator: Jose Afonso Mazzon (FEA-USP)
Speakers: Felipe Mendes Borini (FEA-USP), Leonardo Gomes (FEA-USP) and Roberto Bernardes (FEA-USP)
11:00 – 12:00
Semi plenary 7
Driving Innovation Forward: The Power of the Knowledge Economy
Location: Auditorium Safra 1 – FEA 4
Moderator: Eucharia Oluchi Nwaichi (University of Port Harcourt)
Speakers: Yetunde Omede (State University of New York)
11:00 – 12:00
Semi plenary 8
Transforming Urban Landscapes: The Role of AI in Shaping Smart Cities
Location: Auditorium Safra 2 – FEA 4
Moderator: Flávio Hourneaux Junior (FEA-USP)
Speakers: Ekaterina Vainberg (GLORAD), Carlo Giglio (Mediterranean University of Calabria) and Luisa Huaccho Huatuco (University of York)
12:00 – 12:30
Coffee Break
Location: FEA
12:30 – 14:00
Special Session 2 (Editorial session): Meet the editors
Location: Auditorium Congregação – FEA 1
Moderator: Marcelo Amaral (Helix)
Speakers: Adriana Marotti de Mello (REGE), Jorge Carneiro (RAE), M Yuzhuo Cai (Helix), Elias Carayannis (JKEC), David Campbell (JIAE), Leonardo Gomes (InMR)
14:00 – 15:00
Plenary 6 – Closing ceremony
Location: Auditorium Congregação – FEA 1
Moderator: Aline Figlioli (FIA)
Speakers: Moacir Miranda (Chair, USP), Luiz Henrique Catalani (AUSPIN), Josep M. Piqué (THA) and Thorsten Kliewe (ACEEU), Prof. MU Rongping (CASSSP) and Roberto Sbragia (FIA)